Drei sapphische Hymnen: ein anonymes Carmen Saphicum de sancto Georgio und Piccolominis De passione und De nativitate domini

Eine Verteidigung der paganen Poesie im Milieu der Pariser Universität

    This essay deals with three poems in Sapphic verse: the anonymous Carmen Saphicum de sancto Georgio Martyre (St. Gall, VadSlg Ms. 455, fol. 105v a/b), the first edition of which is to be presented here, and the two authentic Sapphic poems by Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Hymnus de passione (LXXII Cugnoni / 96 Van Heck) and De nativitate domini (LXIX Cugnoni / 93 Van Heck). After analysing these poems from a metrical, lexical and formal point of view, the question of whether Enea Silvio Piccolomini could also be the author of the former poem will also be addressed.

  • https://doi.org/10.36191/mjb/2022-57-3-4
  • Ekkehart Syska
  • 57
  • 3
  • 30.12.2022
  • Three Sapphic Hymns: an anonymous Carmen Saphicum de sancto Georgio and Piccolomini’s De passione and De nativitate Domini

  • 29,00 € *

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